Thursday, June 20, 2024

The Hole in My Head


The Hole in My Head

By Craig Willms


Note: I started writing this in 2021 when I was 59. I had already made my decision to retire. I started to suspect I was at the beginning stages of some sort of dementia, senility. When I've mentioned my concerns in casual conversation, I've been assured it's just age and to a person they all have stories about how bad their memory is. Fine. Fair enough. This is my warning to my loved ones and friends - it's happening.

Getting old is hell. 

Regardless if the previous statement is true (it is) I’m afraid there’s no getting around it. The fact that modern life expectancy has risen into the 70’s and 80’s for many people is wonderful, but our final years are often fraught with pain and suffering.  It’s the physical self takes the brunt of it, without a doubt, but we’ve all seen people whose bodies betray them, yet are razor sharp right up to the end. What of the rest of us, the ones whose mind goes first?

 I’ve reached sixty years of age and with any luck I should have another 10 or 15 years to live. Enjoying life and experiencing new things without the weight of small children and the daily grind of a job should be looked on with joy. We toil our whole lives for this time, do we not? Yet I peer into the future with trepidation.

 A year or two ago I started to notice that my normal outgoing type-A personality was gone. I noticed it with work first. I had started at new company after 21 years with the previous company. After being on the job a year and half I just wasn’t getting it. By now I should be catching on better… The boss started pushing me to be more engaged, ask questions. I was thinking – I don’t even know which questions need asking. I was able to do rote work, often very technical work without a problem. I could process requests and troubleshoot, but when I was thrust into a stressful situation with dozens of people looking to me for answers I froze. I had done this hundreds of times, knowing just where to look and what to do, but not this time. It really shook me. That my boss was also sitting on the call was a double sting.

 A few months before this particular event I noticed that my head was constantly in a fog. My brain was cloudy. I convinced myself it was due to all the medicine I was taking for the heart, blood pressure and other maladies. I sought out a meeting with a clinical pharmacist and we re-arranged the time of day I took certain pills. It seemed to help a little. Still the problem persisted, it's hard to be sharp and reactionary when your head is foggy.

 Shortly after I started having dizzy spells and then started suffering episodes of double-vision. They were short episodes, but I could not work through them. Thoughts of stroke crept in. I know strokes, and I knew I wasn’t having a stroke. After more than a month of this it was time to see a doctor. I would need and MRI of my head and a good neurologist. What followed was a literal circus show and one mad hombre (me). I ended up in the hospital unnecessarily – but I got the MRI and saw a neurologist.

 I learned that the same thing that ails my heart is affecting my brain. It’s probably not going to get better. It’s likely that the diseases of modernity have claimed me and my days of even knowing myself might be numbered.

I am losing myself – I can feel it. 

Most of us lose a step or become forgetful as we get older. Right. This is more than that. Not being able to think or express the things we know does not happen at sixty, but it is happening with me. I can eventually get there, but sometimes there is no there there. This is not right.

I've read that people with metabolic diseases succumb to some kind of mental illness or mental incapacity many, many times more often than those without metabolic maladies. Those with cardiovascular disease or stroke even more so. I've got the trifecta going. In a moment of clarity, I was able to do an intensive cognitive test to generate a baseline, for all the good it will do me. 

Again, it's coming, or rather it's going. My poor wife doesn't need this. I'll just say this, put me in the "home" when you need to, don't worry about what I or anyone else thinks. 



Friday, June 14, 2024

The Plan to Destroy the West: Covid and beyond

by Craig Willms

Naomi Wolf in her 2023 book Facing the Beast sought to expose the failures of the public health response during the Covid-19 pandemic and the subsequent tyranny, censorship, and totalitarianism let loose on the world. Wolf is (was) a liberal democrat who has now fallen out of favor with the progressive leftists. She's had an awakening, a spiritual transformation that most would have thought impossible before 2020. Her previous persona was lodged firmly in leftist progressivism, feminism and Democratic politics, including working for Democratic presidents directly. Wolf alongside a broadening number of hard-left Democrats are now sounding the alarm. Matt Taibbi, Glenn Greenwald, Bari Weiss and Brett Weinstein come to mind, but also folks like Douglass Murray, Eva Vlaardingerbroek and James Lindsey among many others not of the left. I think we should listen.

During the covid pandemic a number of very prominent and reliably liberal public figures and journalists began raising concerns with government, corporate and the media's actions against anyone who balked at the forcing of vaccines as a condition of employment. The shutdown of small business, churches and public education was a total and complete overreaction to the danger posed by a serious illness that was lethal to only the very old and the very sick. The rest of us recovered. Clearly part of a larger agenda to destroy the U.S. and the West, Covid-19 was a planned operation. 

Timing is everything, and I contend covid was let loose when it was to force Donald Trump out of office. Approximately a year before the presidential election covid was timed to exact maximum damage to Trump's chances of reelection. Impeachment and all the accusations they hurled at Trump did not turn the public against him. The economy was strong, and America's challengers were on the ropes. It's quite possible they had covid sitting on the shelf in the event Trump appeared to have reelection in the bag. The pandemic gave them an avenue to implement election fraud schemes in the name of public safety. This is no conspiracy theory, because it happened. Joe Biden did not get 81 million legitimate votes - more than any President in history - not possible.

Why? Because Trump was able to show, however crudely, that the West's decline is not inevitable. The far-reaching global agenda that was launched to hobble the West after the fall of the Soviet Union sought to bring about a nefarious plan to deindustrialize Europe, cripple the U.S. and above all begin the de-population of the world. Trump and his unlikely success were so unexpected that this plan to destroy the West, and in particular the U.S. was in jeopardy. What is still a mystery to me was the near total capitulation of nearly all advanced liberal societies. Does the West really say, "how high?" when the U.S. says jump? Stranger yet was the total absence of any condemnation of China for releasing SARS-CoV-2 on the world. It was, in a word, eerie. One thing that is clear, Covid-19 was not spontaneous or random.

Don't just take my word for it listen to what Dr. David E. Martin has to say, though you won't find him on YouTube - he's been taken down, try Rumble. He tells us that a coronavirus pandemic was planned for years. He explains that shortly after coronavirus was isolated in the mid 1960's it was identified as a vector for modifying into a deadly human virus. Enter Dr. Fauci and people like him pushing gain of function experiments to uncover strains deadly to human beings. Dr. Martin went on to explain that Pfizer's own patents on spike proteins for battling corona virus developed in 1990 does not speak of warp speed. Pfizer soon determined they didn't work anyway. So, it's been known for decades that spike proteins in vaccines for corona viruses did not work. Put on the shelf indeed. 

But the vaccines were the key. The damnable lies behind the push to vaccinate the young and even small children were patently evil. Children and young adults were not at risk whatsoever, this is not arguable. The damage done is incalculable and those people who pushed it on the young will have no tears shed for them as they reach old age with no grandchildren in their lives. The fact that the vaccines did nothing to stop the spread or prevent the disease seems lost on them. 

Even now, just a few short years after the Covid pandemic, the effects of the vaccines are becoming evident, and they are devastating. We don't know what horrors the long-term effects from these vaccines will bring. Already there has been an unexplained 13-20% drop in babies born worldwide. The incidences of myocarditis in adults, young adults, especially young men and in teens has suddenly cropped up worldwide. Young athletes, dropping dead on the field was almost non-existent before the vaccine. More concerning is people in and out of the medical profession are becoming alarmed about the future fertility of vaccinated women. There have been numerous reports of severe menstrual cycle disruptions following vaccination. All over the world vaccinated people are dropping dead in their prime. The term 'excess deaths' is now common, where it was never uttered before Covid. These are things we should know about, all of us. 

Again, this is not merely my conjecture. Consider the study conducted by Dr Nicolas Hulscher called 'A Systematic Review of Autopsy Findings after Covid-19 Vaccination' found that of 325 autopsies 73% of the deaths directly attributed or significantly caused by the Covid-19 vaccines. Published in The Lancet, it was unceremoniously pulled down within 24 hours. After a year of battling with naysayers the study now peer-reviewed is re-published and online again. This is explosive to say the least.

Consider also that numerous acclaimed doctors and scientists have nearly had their careers destroyed for bucking the authorities over covid from the beginning. All of them had the facts just as the aforementioned American Dr. David Martin did when he addressed the European Parliament. Why the European Parliament? He was not welcome in America. Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mrna vaccine and a vocal critic of the covid vaccine, Dr. John Campbell, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr Aseem Malhotra, and co-signer of the Great Barrington Declaration, epidemiologist Dr. Jay Bhattacharya all spoke out during the pandemic decrying the official reaction (overreaction) to Covid-19. They were all shunned in their own countries. All have been vindicated by what has followed.

To this day there is still a mainstream media blackout of covid vaccine fallout, it will get you kicked off social media platforms if you post anything contradicting the approved narrative. Don't dare mention that China did not participate in Western vaccine distribution. Consider in this era of maximum Jew hatred that Israel is the most covid compliant country in the world. If it is an anti-fertility program, why not sterilize the Jews.

Covid was but a front in the war against the West, the battles go on unabated. Consider the open borders in America and Europe. It is a literal trojan horse. One has to wonder how the current opposition party in the U.S. the Republicans, can be so passive about the invasion of our southern border. In Europe it's understandable, there is no real opposition movement in Europe. Only time will tell if there's any real hope for America.

Europe has other problems too that are not that much different than America's, but with such weakness the necessary national pride is so easily subdued. Global Climate Change "concerns" lead the efforts to deindustrialize Germany and destroy Dutch farmers and the like. Climate Change is essentially a religion in Europe. Almost no one in Europe opposes its validity. Something has to replace Christ in their lives. There are rumbles of life in recent European elections, some Europeans populations have reached their breaking point. Are they are finally waking up? We can only hope. 

America has been largely deindustrialized already. They are now targeting the energy industry here as they did in Germany.  The U.S. has the patriots and the concerned citizens, but the power of government, big business, the progressive media means that only overwhelming numbers at ballot box will defeat this cabal. Sorry to say I'm not convinced there is enough.

Note: To those who contend that anyone with thoughts along these lines is a conspiracy nut, a fool and a waste of time, need to consider that they are the ones who are being deceived. The modern news industry is agenda driven and has been for decades. The infiltration by the intelligence community into newsrooms is well known. They have been instrumental in the misdirection of media investigations and planting false narratives. To ignore the evidence of this is self-deception. Conspiracies are real. The actual concrete details of such things are likely never to be known; they are conspiracies after all. The nature of conspiracy is secrecy. To believe that conspiracies do not exist is willful and extreme ignorance.

To conceive of and implement an operation of this scope and magnitude (Covid) seems to stretch credulity, but each passing day we are hearing more and more truth eke out. The picture emerging is that nothing is beyond imagination, and it is more frightening than ever.