Monday, December 30, 2024

Where are all the kids? Really, where are the kids?

by Craig Willms

I remember that day a few years ago, I remember it well... What a day it was! Spring was in the air and the desire to get out in the sun was strong. There was a touch of magic as we began our daily walk. It was nice to feel the cool breeze carrying a hint of solar radiation. The birds were singing in surround sound, and I swear I heard a motorcycle somewhere in the distance. It was glorious. Then my wife asked, "where are the kids?"

It's one of those things that didn't register until it was brought to light. The absence of children's happy voices outside was profound. It was the very first spring-like weather we'd seen after a long snowy winter that year, every kid should have been delirious with glee. We walked through a neighborhood of single-family homes for 35 minutes before we came across kids playing outside in the melting snow. Where are the kids indeed?

In the 1960's and 70's when I was a kid you could count on one hand the number of houses on your block that did not have children. We were everywhere. It was normal. It's all we knew. We were raised by a generation that didn't talk about the past in depth and kept personal things to themselves. So, if it was any different before the baby boom generation how would we know? We became conditioned to believe it would always be this way. 

I don't have to go far to see a snapshot of what happened to the kids. If I look at my own family on the maternal side, there's a clear decline in the number of babies per generation. Grandma Rose had 10 kids, Mom had 7, her kids gave her 18 grandchildren collectively. Eighteen sounds like a large number of grandkids for Mom but consider that Grandma had 45. Between my siblings and I we've ranged from 1 child to 4 children. None of us will even come close to 18 grandkids. This scenario repeated itself in some form all across the country, the world. Personally my wife and I raised two kids, we currently have 3 grandchildren.

Most people don't realize how dire the situation is. The population collapse is happening in slow motion all around us. The numbers are the numbers, it's already happened, we have yet to feel the repercussions of it. It's the 'already, not yet' paradox. Most people are still steeped in over-population rhetoric, after all the human population is still going up. It's like a truck being pushed uphill and we are still rolling forward the last few inches on momentum alone. Soon the truck will start rolling backwards picking up speed as the years go by. Since we baby boomers have worked our 45 years, raised our children and now have retired the evidence of a dearth of babies isn't yet obvious. There are still a lot of people everywhere. Fact is, when the old outnumber the young it's not going to be a sustainable situation. We only have ourselves to blame, I guess. I'm not sure if it's possible to pin what has happened on just one culprit. 

Yet, there is a profound difference in attitudes toward children among the current generation. In the distant past a woman would have six children to have 2 survive. Now in the modern world child mortality has decreased so as to be an insignificant statistic. With each woman having just 2 babies replacement rate would have been achieved. But it wasn't. Why not? When the statistics are crunched it turns out that the number of babies per mother has not changed much since the end of the baby boom in 1963, but the number of mothers has fallen through the floor. So, to restate, it's not that mothers are having fewer children, it's just that the number of women who become mothers is shrinking. And what that means is that there will be that many fewer potential mothers to propagate the future. I'm afraid to say it's a terminal decline.

Selfishly I could say "so what?" I'll be dead soon. But that's not how I feel. The mathematical certainty of this knowledge just came to light for me in the last year or so. I've known intuitively that something was wrong for a long, long time. So many people I'd come across in professional life were choosing to be childless. There were just a few people you knew with large families of 5 or more children. They convey stories of how they had taken criticism from friends and family when they would announce their 4th or 5th pregnancy. It made me sad. Having grown up in a large family I knew the adventure they were on. It is an adventure fewer and fewer people will ever share.

The movement from a historically dispersed and largely rural population to an urban centric population is probably the largest contributor to this situation. The urban environment doesn't reward a large family. There are higher costs that repress child rearing in an urban setting. As housing costs swell in the city buying a larger home for a larger family becomes prohibitive. The larger house requires a larger income and that leads to both adults working outside the home - leading to fewer children in a viscous cycle. In the modern paradigm the cost of living rises exponentially with each child, this was not the case in the past. 

That people face challenges raising children in this new urban centric standard is not minor, but it is largely a mechanical situation. The psychological barrier could prove to be greater. People don't want children, or they are being told they don't want children. From the shaming parents get when they have more than two or three kids to the armageddon that is predicted if "we" do not stop adding mouths to feed. The average couple, if there is such a thing anymore, is being brainwashed against becoming parents at all. Their selfishness is being encouraged and prodded by a coordinated cultural push to disfavor family. Live your best life now, take that (expensive) vacation, buy that boat or the sports car right now, why wait... The messages people receive from the culture and their childless friends goad them to forgo family in favor of fun. Then there is the insidious decades old anti-Christian rhetoric that further erodes the drive to have traditional families.

In the near future when the adult population reaches the age when they need special care in their final years there will be no one to provide it. The elderly and the dying will be warehoused and neglected, and most probably they will be unceremoniously euthanized. Roll that around in your head for a while... Is that what you want? There will be no one to care about you the way we cared for our parents in their final years. Maybe then you'll think, gee I wish I had had kids... Too late.

There is not much that can be done about it now. Any action to turn the tide would need to have happened 20 or 30 years ago. Even if every woman of childbearing age had three or four children this generation, it wouldn't reverse what's coming. There's a chance it could stabilize at some point, however there's no evidence that anti-human attitudes will ever change if the current anti-baby culture doesn't moderate. There are enough people who realize that something is dreadfully wrong with the culture, but they are clueless about what can be done. So, they do nothing or go along to get along. The culture we find ourselves in was methodically manipulated to socially chastise and enslave the very same people the corporate hierarchical system lashes to the debt treadmill. One system tries to create an illusion of freedom and a semblance of self-determination, and the other makes no pretenses, you will assimilate, hate on babies and religion or you will be destroyed. Neither system is an ideal to strive for or innately righteous, but don't kid yourself one is far better than the other. 

Friday, December 27, 2024

Boiling Frogs

 by Craig Willms


The old idiom of slowly boiling the frog in a pot is used metaphorically to describe a situation where someone gradually becomes accustomed to something negative without realizing it until it’s too late. It is oft used because it aptly illustrates something very real. The American communists of which there are still plenty is the best example I can think of. When the communists, both here and abroad, set about transforming the American system they knew a frontal attack would be met with overwhelming rejection and guaranteed violence. A slow motion plot to change the base opinions across all the institutions of power and influence was set in motion. They needed regular Americans to reject free markets and freedom on their own. In the 1960's they produced a list of steps they would use to reach their goal [see here]. It goes without saying that in the year 2024 most of them have been achieved.  Are we a communist country? No. Not yet anyway.

The die-hard collectivists are content to allow the softer socialism to do their bidding. Yet, socialism doesn't necessarily have a better reputation with a large swath of Americans than communism does. Pure socialism has failed miserably everywhere it's been tried. The so-called socialist countries of Europe that are always cited as examples are almost never purely socialist. They have a capitalistic economic base layered with a social safety net that answers to the term socialism. Most of the Scandinavian countries roundly deny the socialist label. 

The very rich and powerful members of the elite class in the West know that communism - state control and ownership of everything - would be a disaster for everyone. Yet control is what they desire, just not the for the state. They also know that capitalism is the basis for almost all actual progress and technological advancement in the world. 

Capitalism as we know it with all its shortcomings is still responsible for the most wide-ranging freedom and wealth in the modern world. For the elites and the power mad this is a problem, distributed wealth and freedom interferes with their control. They have set into motion a plan that will put an end to that without bowing to the "state". It is like a plot out of a James Bond 007 movie. Unfortunately for you and me and the rest of the world it's closer to reality than global communism ever was. 

The political system they envision, brewing for decades, fermenting all the while, will eventually replace the two main political systems that are in use around the world. These systems you and I would recognize as the push pull behind all the conflicts and power plays around the globe. Shareholder capitalism in America, the Anglosphere and Europe and state capitalism that's used in places like China, Russia and the Arab world. This new system has come to be known as stakeholder capitalism, where rich powerful elite billionaires would control our lives from their ivory towers. Think the WEF and their 2016 proclamation 'you will own nothing and be happy'.

Why now? The dominoes are all lining up: globalism, data collection, surveillance, digital currency, high-tech interconnectedness, AI and above all extreme dissatisfaction with current authorities and their demonstrable incompetence. Think the Biden Administration.

Stakeholder capitalism is an authoritarian political system that shifts ultimate authority not to the state like communism, but to a group of stakeholders. These stakeholders are very same people that meet at the WEF annual meetings, and I presume the secret meetings 'ala the Bilderbergers etc etc - what we're talking about is one world government. It puts Donald Trump's call for America First in a whole new light. 

Is it any wonder there has been such a resistance to Trump since he entered the political arena. Who really knows if he's part of it or a true patriot - God help us if he's one of them. The assassination attempt on Trump where a bullet grazed his ear was a clue that he's not one of them. From the Secret Service shitting the bed six ways from Sunday to the instant death of the would-be assassin puts the lie to a Trump staged event. Of course we will never know the whole truth...

You might wonder how these elites will accomplish this global coup de tat. They are doing it right now before our eyes - it's been going on for years. Mega multi-national corporations are buying up all their competition and streamlining operations across the board. They consolidate entire industries and concerns under their umbrella. Huge hedge funds and investment conglomerates are buying up property and houses that will put on the rental market. Companies like Amazon are automating operations and building a distribution centers everywhere, working their delivery staff with maniacal efficiency and low pay, turning over their workforce every 3-4 years. All so they can undercut their independent competition and kill them for good. 

These same corporations are investing billions in artificial intelligence with eyes on replacing huge swaths of the workforce for pennies on the dollar. They have technology that surpasses anything the most powerful governments have. Think Elon Musk and his Spacex and StarLink systems that are clearly heads and tails beyond what NASA and the American government can do. Musk is just one of the billionaires and he is one of the most transparent. We have no idea how deep this dichotomy goes. They come at us from all directions, technology, manufacturing, distribution and retail not to mention the all-out global assault on owner operated farms and ranches for ultimate control of our food. 

Why cry for America when we can see the German example unfold in front of us. Germany is/was the heart of the European economic zone, Germany is dying. First, they removed their borders via the EU dictates and let in millions that have no desire to be Germans. Then they cut off their energy so that they cannot be a manufacturing giant anymore. Many Germans will blame the U.S. specifically, but they did it to themselves with NATO's and the EU's help. To be clear it was the cabal of billionaires and elites behind the scenes, the same ones targeting the rest of Europe and America. 

It doesn't stop with West. Russia and the Middle East are also in the cross hairs. Easy enough to blame it on the Jews but it's so much larger than that, the Jews have enough to secure their own place in the world let alone run a global cabal. No one here is blameless, except the average citizen caught up in this fray. 

The wild card is China. From my reading China has never had aspirations of global domination. I think they have enough trouble controlling their own. Their outreach to Africa, Central and South America and other places around the globe are possibly a hedge against Western aspirations. China is so deeply integrated with the U.S. economically that hurting us hurts them, but they can and will stir up trouble - they are good at it, above all they are patient. They will wait for us to destroy ourselves.

What can be done? I don't know - I'm just reading the room here. Awareness is one thing. Knowing who or what is on your side is trickier. From my vantage the Democrats and "Wall Street" here in America and Labour and the Monarchy in the UK are not on our side. Global government is something they seem to desire. Beyond that I don't have enough insight into this cabal - I'm a nobody. I hope Trump is what he appears to be, but who can tell, he seems to love himself and his persona above all - then comes America. I would say try not to feed the beast. Personally I start with Amazon. They are always my last resort, if I can't get what I need from someone else then Amazon. You have to decide for yourself. I try not to economically support Google, Walmart, Target, Budweiser and the other giants, but sometimes we have no choice. Do your best and be aware of who you give your money to. 

p.s.     I know the irony of picking on Google while this website is hosted by them... Have a chuckle! I have no desire to move it. I don't see any money changing hands with Google that I know of. But I did succeed at not using Amazon once during this Christmas season!