Saturday, February 08, 2025



Hello, all good people...


Salutations, I am Craig Willms creator of the Protohuman blog. The blog itself, as a weblog is now defunct. I have not posted since 2014, and I don't intend to resurrect it now. 

However, I own this space so to speak, and I have things I'd like to post in the form of essays, articles and personal notes simply as a record that I had these thoughts and sought to write them down before I lose myself. I'm under no illusion that anyone will read them - or care one wit. 

Still, there is a chance that someone will look me up after my death and find my online life. We live in the first era where we can preserve our thoughts indefinitely due to the way back machine, aka the Internet. Prior to the Internet you'd have to be published to have your writings preserved outside of your personal notebooks. Therefore, the essays and personal anecdotes that follow are something I want associated with me. 

The articles/essays are in no particular order, relevant perhaps, but may have been superseded by events that followed. I maintain the right to be wrong about any of it...

que sera sera!

Hold on!! Wait!

     Take a minute to look at my art and listen to my music. 
    - please see the links in the Recommended Sites section on the right ============>  


Friday, February 07, 2025

The Beauty of Shared Love


by Craig Willms

Tired of being negative? I know I am. To be honest I don't have that much to be negative about. I'm in a good place personally, and when my wife retires 'we' will be in a really good place. While not rich financially we are rich in so many ways. We are out of debt and have enough to eat and a warm, well maintained house to live in. Compared to so many billions now alive and the billions that have come before us we are rich beyond measure. So yeah, what's to be so negative about?

Well, there is always some injustice or outrage or people acting badly to be mad about. Just read a few postings on this website and you'll find plenty that I'm sick of or outraged about. It's just basic human nature to gripe and complain about that which we cannot control. Most of it doesn't directly affect me, or is so disconnected from my day to day life that my anger and negativity is not proportional. The most we can do besides whining and complaining is visit the ballot box on election day or be mindful where we spend our money. Protesting and other social actions mostly just makes people mad or makes people consider you a nut burger - regardless of the topic. The big, organized protests are just that, highly organized and largely inauthentic. When the money dries up for the 'action' the protests die out. 

To change the world a single person without power has to rely on small, seemingly inconsequential actions. It builds over time by what we leave in our wakes. Being charitable and helpful to those in our circles will have an impact as the drop of care ripples out from us. It's possible to foster goodness and righteousness one person at a time, one act at a time.

The one thing that hits close to home and has invaluable benefit is the idea of shared love. Most of us born into intact families experience shared love. Mom and Dad may not even love each other anymore but in most cases they both love the kids. Even those times when we parents temporarily don't love the kids we do. When adult children come with problems or are hurting, we gather troops and step up in a way that demonstrates this love we share.

For my wife and I our kids are grown and gone from our day to day lives. When the last family pet dies that childhood era is over. We faced this situation a few years ago. Once the shock and pain wear off of losing that pet you face a new world. For many women the caring gene doesn't just shut off. The men in general neither need nor desire the level of care and attention a dependent pet receives. Now, to be sure a shared love can be for hobbies, a sports team, books, wine or any number of interests, but a living pet is at a whole different level. We really missed that cat. For us I wouldn't say we necessarily started growing apart, but that close-up shared love aspect of our lives was over as we had decided that we were not going to have any more pets. She wants to travel, unencumbered by obligations in the home. I concurred. 

We had many pets over the years - in fact there was almost never a time that there weren't pets in the home, often multiple pets at the same time. The absence of pets wasn't something that was bringing us down, it was just different. I couldn't even say that there was a sense that something intrinsic was missing. 

Then as fate would have it a small dog entered the picture. At first it was going to be temporary, right...

Years later we have found an abiding joy in this dog. Our shared love and the reciprocal love the dog exudes has enriched our lives. It's hard to put into words. It isn't something we pined for, at least not knowingly. When the situation that led to the dog coming into our lives had settled the thought of giving her back was shocking. Shocking? Yes, were were so used to our lives now, our routines, our obligations and our adoration of this animal that the idea of her being gone was devastating. We were clinging to something we didn't even know we were missing - the beauty of shared love.

Wednesday, February 05, 2025

USAID - Not just folly, criminal

by Craig Willms

I was one of those people who knew nothing about USAID or any number of other government agencies that spend billions of dollars within their dubious mission statements. The whole government aid and NGO paradigm is a murky, swampy concept that goes right over our heads - by design. We have all supported the concept of charitable organizations addressing social and economic problems, it only seems right. Whereas most of us older people think of faith-based outfits, in reality we know full well that government stepped in decades ago and took over this space. Most of us have no idea how far it has strayed from the concept.

Whenever the government gets involved with anything it eventually becomes rife with unseen corruption and smiling people in fancy suits and luxury cars coming out personally richer in every respect. The aid dollars destined for the situation at hand never seem to have the impact that was hoped. Alas, if it was ever about 'the situation', it became all about grift. Face the facts, all large institutions become corrupt in some way. In this case USAID and some other organizations they have always been the principal funding mechanism for clandestine activity for the intelligence community, or straight up grift for the credentialed government class. 

After WWII the conquest and capture of foreign lands by means of armies of destruction was over. Covert manipulation of elections and the spreading of propaganda, which we call disinformation these days became the preferred method of taking control. If America was going to dominate the world then a way to infiltrate foreign locales was required. Welcome USAID. The promise of US dollars was the foot in the door, a legitimacy for "intelligence" agents to operate in these countries. Fast forward 60 years and billions of dollars later the ugly truth is about to come out. Whether this method to conduct U.S. "policy" around the world is legitimate or not it's obvious it is out of control. In the end it props up the global war machine - and this is what's important to the American state.

There have been efforts over the years to reign in these programs. In the end the politicians and officials who highlighted these boondoggles were treated as a punchline and then dismissed. No one ever took the second step by taking action or at least doing a serious follow up. They didn't because they were strongly encouraged to drop it lest they or their families are paid an unwelcome visit...

Enter Trump 2.0 and D.O.G.E. and the threat of complete exposure. For decades this money faucet flowed freely, set on auto-pilot. Look away, nothing to see here. The dirty little secret that everyone in DC always knew and looked away from is that 99% of all these funds were in service to the ultra-left. I'd be remiss not to point out that big money interests almost always directly or indirectly benefit. Turning these apple carts over and exposing the graft is only part of it, Trump intends to end it. It'll be great fun to watch the rats scurry away from the light.

The details are just emerging from D.O.G.E.'s initial pass, and it's overwhelming. Tens of billions of dollars sent out from Washington to entities all over the world funding a list of projects that read like Saturday Night Live skits. You literally could not make this stuff up.

It's early, the dust has yet to settle, but the one that caught my attention is so bizarre and so creepy that I just had to bring it up. Thompson Reuters, a media company was awarded $9,173,000,000+ to create something called Large-Scale Social Deception. LSD! Thompson, once a text book creator for our schools had merged with Reuters a business news publisher. Honestly, when I said you can't make this stuff up I had the word ironic floating through my mind. Social deception occurs when individuals or governments manipulate social interactions for their own gain while hiding their true intentions. Is social deception something we want our government to be involved with? Yet, here we are with a combination of an educator and news disseminator creating the template for Washington!

Honestly I know nothing other than the title, the dollar amount and the awardee, yet it's enough to know it's bad, very bad. Now, had we learned this prior to 2020 it might have breezed by unnoticed. What happened in 2020? Covid-19. Talk about largescale social deception. This is an OMG moment. Obviously there is more to learn on this one, but those who mock "conspiracy theories" have got some soul searching to do.