Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Civilization Day


by Craig Willms

Civilization day comes on Wednesdays in my neighborhood. Before you wonder if you missed a new holiday, you haven't. The guys in that loud clanging truck come by on Wednesdays and take my trash away. It's the way I know civilization has survived another week. It was late this week, and I panicked at first before I realized Monday had been a real national holiday, and therefore trash was delayed by a day. Whew.

If there's one thing that defines civilization it's garbage day, or trash day as we say up here in the upper midwest. When it all goes to shit, and we're expecting that sooner rather than later, the signs will be litter(ally) everywhere. The first thing we'll notice is that no one is coming by to pick up trash and it will be everywhere.

It won't be long after and the electricity will go and then so will running water and gas service.

Civilization over...

Any faith we might have had in our government to deal with a crisis rationally was destroyed by the official reaction to Covid and all of Joe Biden's presidency. In fact, both seem to have been designed to foster the coming collapse. I never thought I'd see the day when America was over, but it seems more likely than not. We certainly can't expect our military or National Guard to step in out of fear they might not be sensitive enough to everyone's pronouns. We can't be having that. Next thing you know we'd find the army may not have proper trans representation and that would be unfair. I wish I was just kidding, but my friends there are signs that the incompetence we see all around us is not by accident. We are being herded by it into a new feudal system. 

The elites and most of the upper crust like to think they will be spared, but they won't. Once all their parked money is deemed illegitimate by the coming CBDCs, the overlords will then control everything and everyone at every level. There will be no hiding money the old fashion way anymore. Once we lose faith in the financial system, a system built on pure faith, it all goes belly-up. I fear the baby boom retirees will watch their nest eggs shrivel up faster than a dead worm on a summer sidewalk. With the Federal deficit at 34 trillion and growing, the recent news of Donald Trump's bogus conviction along with other bad news, the American economy seems poised to crash. I just heard in this morning's business news that dozens and dozens of restaurants have announced the closing of some or all of their locations soon. One third of the restaurants are gone or are on the brink. Retail in general is near the tipping point... 

The canary is dying. With most new job growth being in government and health care it's not a sign of a healthy economy. Honestly, things do not look very good. The younger generations are losing faith and losing hope. They are becoming are neurotic and depressed. 

I'm a retiree, my wife is just a few years away. We thought we were in good shape since we saved and prepared, but I'm losing faith as well. Biden and his puppeteers have got to go! If he is reelected, it's over for America. I'm not being dramatic; the border crisis alone is like playing a game of Jenga with our country. In Europe they are even further along in their cultural suicide. It's alarming to see. There are signs that Europe may be waking up, but it might be too late. It's not too late for America, but that day is coming - in November 2024.      

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