Saturday, May 18, 2024

Is it any wonder... We need a miracle

by Craig Willms

With all the trouble in the world we'd be wise to understand what is at the very heart of it. That's easy. The obvious answer as well as the true answer is - the eternal battle between good and evil. Great, fine, now define in sociological terms the good side and the evil side. Not so easy is it.

We exist, all of us, in a world of contrast and balance. Everything is in flux, moving from one place to another, from the ever-expanding universe right down to the sub-atomic level. Atoms, which are just states of energy, are in motion and are never in the right place or wrong place, they just are, if they stop, they cease to exist. The same goes for our lives and our place in the grand scheme of things. We can't stop in place or shun the natural energy and rhythms of our existence. This is just a long way of understanding that the place we find ourselves in the current civilizational juncture where good and evil in eternal opposition are an intrinsic part of the continuum of existence. We can't eradicate either, we can't do away with the light or the dark. There could be no good without evil. We have to come to grips with this dichotomy. We see our friends and enemies as either good or evil, but they are both. So are we.

The left/right enigma we find in the world today is out of balance. We need to understand that the right-wing, believe it or not, has evil elements as much as the left-wing does. Conversely, both have a bright side. When one side dominates, both their good and evil elements dominate. Let that sink in... 

The side that dominates, in the end, will destroy both. Today in the West the left, the collectivist elements are beginning to dominate politically, socially and economically. The hard left - with their insistence on starving the productive populace and the poor efficient and abundant energy, and then effectively outlawing any dissent in the name of saving the world from a human induced fiery death - rule by fear. We now behold the beginning of the end of the modern order itself. 

In sociological terms both the good and the evil under the total domination of one political view or the other, leads us to mentally erase this good/evil duality. We become blind to the concerns of the other side. While other populations outside the West resign themselves to misery and go numb, or drown in a bottle, in Western countries we tear each other apart. We turn to hate and aggression, in total opposition to the other side. That may be inevitable when it comes to ideological survival, but until we all come to the realization that we need to be 'in balance' we will see nothing but strife and destruction. It would be great if we didn't have to pick sides but pick sides we must.

I'll start. I say the forced collectivism sought by communists and socialists is evil. They, on the other hand, might claim evil is the greed, the inequality of individualists and capitalists. Who is right? I can't really answer, how could I? I am firmly in support of the rights of the individual and free markets. The leftists who seek full control of every aspect of human life are quite sure they are right; they have no qualms about forcing their "beliefs" on you and me at every turn. Capitalists and those who promote individualism are in theory supportive of voluntary participation. The collectivists are not, they demand of society the false equity of equal outcomes regardless of individual effort or ability (or so they say). Collectivism, as in, to each according to his needs is only correct when it comes to infants and babies, and those who cannot possibly fend for themselves. Everyone else has to work. One should be rewarded according to their effort and their talents. Am I right? Of course, I am.

Ah, but this is where it falls apart. The destroyers, the collectivists and communists, tend to get all the ammunition they need from the capitalists themselves! The capitalist system is broken, probably always has been. Can it be fixed? Good question. What we have is cronyism, crony capitalism, or what I'd call stacked-deck capitalism. This bastardization of what capitalism should be is giving the bullies and shamers in the collectivist camp everything they need to derail those things that are actually good and righteous. In this crony system the winners collect the lion's share of the rewards. The deck gets stacked in favor of those within their sphere and their families. Where they can, they expertly finagle government policy to quash the competition, or they buy the competition outright. These elites easily usurp every liberal platitude or conservative bedrock principle, valid or not, into the feel-good about yourself ideology and shape them to their own advantage. It's become a very tangled web of diversions, deceit and favoritism. Our elected officials play along, often out of the necessity to survive.

Remarkably this broken system has thrived around multiple centers of gravity for many decades. Not anymore. Slowly over these last few decades the power and wealth has concentrated in fewer and fewer hands. Maybe this was always the inevitable outcome, I can't say, but it's where we are now. Countless wars, hot and cold have been waged between the so-called free world in the West and the dictators of the collectivist cults, just to keep the machinery of war well oiled. None of these wars have ended well for either side, save the defense industries.

So, which is the real evil? Is it the dictatorial collectivists and communists whose lust for control knows no bounds, or these oligarchical crony capitalists with all their depravity? Don't ask the defense contractors, the finance managers or the pharmaceutical industry you will get self-serving answers devoid of any humanity. Don't ask college students or their professors you'll get only slogans, fantasy and fluff. Don't even bother with the hard-core leftists, for whom humans are either hapless victims or diabolical oppressors. Don't inquire among the always sanctimonious marxists, who cannot see beyond the boiling rage that anyone might have more than they do. These power centers are blinded by their hollow greed or their disingenuous envy. No good solutions will come from any of them. They are quite evil. The rest of us are stuck in the middle. 

Is it any wonder the world seems to exist on a razor's edge. Do we live in an illusion of order and stability? We seem to teeter on the edge of turmoil raging just below the surface. When this order and stability inevitably break down, we will ask how this can this happen? How can it not? 

Looking back there was a point when the world might have ended the infatuation with communism/marxism. It was on the United States of America to foster the new age. Not that the true believers would have miraculously transformed and joined team Corporate America, but the faint hope that lingered for global collectivism could have been rubbed out for good. For a time, the West lifted billions out of abject poverty via the global systems built to defeat the Soviets during the Cold War. It wasn't going to last. Peace, love and understanding is the stuff of pop songs, not reality. Within a decade the American defense industry and their bought and paid for political stooges soon settled on a new enemy to justify greasing the cold war cash machine once again. That enemy was Islam... Islam could only fight back with terrorism. The result has been two decades of the worst of both of these absolute evils. America lost its chance to be a truly great global hegemon. The West lost its moral compass, if it ever had one.

For the love of money is the root of all evil... (Timothy 6:10 KJV version) seems appropriate here but I would rewrite it: "the love of money and power". Money is necessary, power is intoxicating, the combination of the two is lethal. Clearly this is not an original thought, but nonetheless true. Efforts have been made to separate the two, but never successfully. The reason reform never works is the multiple sets of perverse incentives to prop up the broken system. Doing what's right rarely wins converts or enthusiasts. Is there anything that can be done? Our current situation is so deeply entrenched and the vested interests, including our own, make it nearly impossible to see a way out. 

The pot is starting to boil. The left has the mechanisms of government and culture gripped firmly and the crony system is vacuuming up the money with which it feeds both sides of the fight. We'll never climb out of the water we're drowning in. The money elites and their billions have allied with the cultural marxists in some misguided notion that they'll somehow escape the destructive crash the collectivists have been orchestrating. Leftist collectivists have all kinds of plans to control us, all in various stages of completion. We need to face the facts. 

As for our biggest cultural ally in the world, Europe it's the same but worse. All of us watch our freedoms slip away, our economic power being stripped away, our ability to express opinions that don't "comply" with the leftist orthodoxy degrade. We are being threatened everywhere, in everything we do. How long can this go on? 

What to do now? Is there any hope? Marxist collectivism is like a debilitating rash that won't go away, it clearly is not an answer to anything. Can capitalism be saved? Maybe in some form. Obviously not in this current crony-ized form. Then what? Has the power and money been so concentrated that a wholesale collapse and rebuild is the only answer? I truly hope not. Something needs to change, also obvious, but can anyone articulate what that change should be? Or how we can initiate it without sowing chaos? If marxist nonsense is out and this stacked-deck capitalism is unsustainable what is an actual third way?

I clearly don't have any simple answers. I'm not sophisticated enough to solve the modern dilemma. Getting tainted money out of politics is one obvious play, but that's easier said than done. Just paying elected officials more and financing campaigns with public money isn't going to work, it's been tried in various places and to varying degrees. It just doesn't address the second part of the equation, the craven lust for power. Considering that the people with the money have the power there's not much chance anything will change short of a societal collapse. The hard left with their socialist dreams crave it. Perhaps someone will come along that can see through to our warped situation with common sense solutions, or something approaching simple sanity. Someone who can stand against the entrenched money crowd while showing us in black and white the nefarious plans the socialists have plotted. I know it's asking for a miracle. Once in a while we deserve one. 

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