Friday, November 03, 2023

I Had a Moment...or two


I Had a Moment... or two

by Craig Willms

All summer I had been careful to mow around a particular weed out in the backyard. Early on my eye caught what was the faintest splash of fuchsia in the center of this weed. Today I was out mowing again, the grass is finally growing since we'd had a few rare soakers lately. I was in a mood, irritated by something that had happened earlier that morning, I was out of sorts and generally pissy. Then I saw it...

The weed had grown, and the splash of color was now revealed. What I had assumed was a tiny flower was actually the plant itself slowly changing color. It was as if someone had sprinkled colored powder on it. It was beautiful. My mood brightened and I realized then that this plant and its transformation was a sign. This simple beauty wiped away my frustration and rotten attitude. I had had a moment.

This is what life is about, these moments. They are so few and far between these days or so it seems. When you're younger the cumulation of your entire life is compressed, slowly unfolding as time passes. Those rare moments aren't necessarily that rare and you gave them almost no attention. With time these moments are so spread out that you can miss the significance unless you pay attention. We live on a magical world, and we tend to take it for granted. I know it's just a weed, but it has meaning to me.

By the way, my daughter, an amateur horticulturalist, identified the weed as Purple Goosefoot, widely found in Mexico, I'm in Minnesota. What a treat!

So, a couple a weeks back I was watching the grandkids at my daughter's house. Me and the middle child, a girl, were out in the backyard. There was a patch of clover, and I was telling her that all clovers have three leaves. It was extremely rare to come across a four-leaf clover and it is considered good luck if you find one. 

She set about looking for one as I walked across the yard and sat in a chair in the shade. I no sooner sat down, and she was there "you mean like this, grandpa?" There in her hand a four-leaf clover! I was stunned.

I'm sure we've all found a four-leaf clover or at least seen one - they are rare yes, but not unknown. But to find one within seconds of setting out to look for one is amazing. I'm thinking that was a moment too. I can now recognize it. I hope somewhere in her memory she'll think back to that day. It's possible, she's five now and our memories can stretch back that far. 

These events, these moments as insignificant as they are, only serve to remind us that these little things and those small occurrences are meant to be savored even if for only a few seconds. Being around children helps as they bring to us long forgotten experiences and the feelings of simple joy. We oldsters need to keep our eyes open and recognize them for what they are. Moments.

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